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No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours.
No space weather storms are predicted for the next 24 hours.

Now from EA (reversebeacon.net)

updated every 5 min

Maximum Usable Frequency - MUF (KC2G)

Latest Ionogram from Spain

updated every 5 min

  reading ionograms.pdf  
Understanding ionogram charts (PDF format)

Max NVIS frequency (bom.gov.au)

The above map can be used as a guide to NVIS ionospheric frequency support and to generate real time HF predictions (eg Hourly HAP charts) to assist the HF radio communicator.

Kp index 3 days forecast (gfz-potsdam.de)

Solar x-ray flux, proton flux, Kp index (services.swpc.noaa.gov)

D region absorption predictions (services.swpc.noaa.gov)

Last hours animation from NOAA

Aurora forecast

Solar Wind prediction

Acknowledgments: NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center, GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences, Australian Space Weather Forecasting Centre, Andrew Rodland KC2G, Observatorio del Ebro, RigReference.